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***Discover Our Parks, LLC takes no responsability in the accuracy of these alerts, which are taken directly from NPS.gov, and we provide them for informational purposes only. Please refer to NPS.gov for more information.

Indiana Dunes National Park Maps & Documents

These maps are for general use only. Please read nps.gov's Data Sources and Accuracy statement for more information.

Area Map - Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Area Map
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
JPG Viewable Map File
321.21 KB
March 2003 screen-viewable file
481.34 KB
June 2007 Adobe Illustrator print production file
416.33 KB
*downloads in a Zip file.

Beaches - Beaches
Map file from NPS.gov/indu/ website
79.97 KB

Horse And Bike Trails - Horse and Bike Trails
Horse And Bike Trails
Horse and Bike Trails
Map file from NPS.gov/indu/ website
92.92 KB

Park Map - Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Park Map
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
2019 screen-viewable file
447.52 KB
2019 screen-viewable file
1.82 MB
2019 print production file
2.80 MB
*downloads in a Zip file.

Trails - Trails
Map file from NPS.gov/indu/ website
85.82 KB

Visitor Centers - Visitor Centers
Visitor Centers
Visitor Centers
Map file from NPS.gov/indu/ website
67.33 KB