Park News

Covid-19 Information
(We put this at the top, because it may be important.)
#RecreateResponsibly This article is about the current Covid-19 Pandemic and will contain some of the information we have. This is not the full amount of Covid-19 information available from this site because we have lots of information! Take a look at individual park pages, conveniently located at the top, for more detailed information regarding the...
The Isolated Black-bellied Salamander: Wildlife of the Week – 2023 Week 22
Our Wildlife of the Week – 2023 Week 22… Meet the “Black-bellied Salamander”! (Desmognathus quadramaculatus) Black-bellied Salamander Physical Description Black-bellied Salamanders are thick-bodied, with a short curled tail. They are the largest species in the genus Desmognathus. Their tail is strongly keeled and they have 14 costal grooves. These salamanders can be mostly black, gray, or...
The Promising Peregrine Falcon: Wildlife of the Week – 2023 Week 20
Our Wildlife of the Week – 2023 Week 20… Meet the “Peregrine Falcon”! (Falco peregrinus) Peregrine Falcon Physical Description There are 19 regional variants (subspecies) of Peregrine Falcon worldwide. They vary considerably in size and color. Like all falcons, Peregrine Falcons have long, tapered wings and a slim, short tail. In North America they are...
The Majestic Bald Eagle: Wildlife of the Week – 2023 Week 17
Our Wildlife of the Week – 2023 Week 17… Meet the “Bald Eagle”! (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Bald Eagle Physical Description Adult Bald Eagles are extremely large birds with characteristically yellow eyes and bills, white heads and tails and dark brown bodies, which may appear almost black. Although these birds obtain their adult plumage during their 5th...
The Cunning Ringtail: Wildlife of the Week – 2022 Week 20
Our Wildlife of the Week – 2022 Week 20… Meet the “Ringtail”! (Bassariscus Astutus) Ringtail Physical Description Also known as the Ringtail Cat, Ring-Tailed Cat, Miner’s Cat or Bassarisk, the Ringtail is also the State mammal of Arizona. The body mass of both sexes from throughout the geographic range of Ringtails is from 1.8 to...