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"Old Fashion" Maps

Because most national parks don't have cell service!

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Virgin Islands National Park Maps & Documents

These maps are for general use only. Please read nps.gov's Data Sources and Accuracy statement for more information.

Area Map - Virgin Islands National Park
Area Map
Virgin Islands National Park
JPG Viewable Map File
214.12 KB
August 2016 screen-viewable file
309.60 KB
August 2016 Adobe Illustrator print production file
1.05 MB
*downloads in a Zip file.

Buck Island Map - From \
Buck Island Map
From \"U.S. Virgin Islands\" handbook, pages 102103
JPG Viewable Map File
245.78 KB
May 2001 screen-viewable file
189.18 KB
March 2004 Adobe Illustrator print production file
21.10 MB
*downloads in a Zip file.
Background art for Buck Island Map. March 2001 full resolution shaded relief file
11.58 MB
*downloads in a Zip file.

Caribbean Setting Map - From \
Caribbean Setting Map
From \"U.S. Virgin Islands\" handbook, pages 8-9
Background art for Caribbean Setting Map. December 2000 full resolution shaded relief file
1.24 MB
JPG Viewable Map File
1.68 MB
October 2001 screen-viewable file
288.75 KB
March 2004 Adobe Illustrator print production file
294.43 KB
*downloads in a Zip file.

Marine Interactive Map With Border - Marine Interactive Map with Border
Marine Interactive Map With Border
Marine Interactive Map with Border
Map file from NPS.gov/viis/ website
32.61 KB

Park Map - Virgin Islands National Park. Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument appears on the map for Virgin Islands National Park
Park Map
Virgin Islands National Park. Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument appears on the map for Virgin Islands National Park
JPG Viewable Map File
2.37 MB
August 2016 screen-viewable file
17.79 MB
August 2016 Adobe Illustrator print production file
4.50 MB
*downloads in a Zip file.
August 2016 Adobe Photoshop shaded relief file
3.35 MB
*downloads in a Zip file.

St. Croix Island Map - From \
St. Croix Island Map
From \"U.S. Virgin Islands\" handbook, pages 74-75. Includes Buck Island Reef National Monument, Christiansted National Historic Site, and Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Preserve
Background art for St. Croix Island Map. March 2001 full resolution shaded relief file
1.91 MB
JPG Viewable Map File
2.64 MB
October 2001 screen-viewable file
306.23 KB
March 2004 Adobe Illustrator print production file
184.75 KB
*downloads in a Zip file.

St. John Island Map - From \
St. John Island Map
From \"U.S. Virgin Islands\" handbook, pages 46-47. Includes Virgin Islands National Park and Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument
Background art for St. John Island Map. April 2001 full resolution shaded relief file
1.43 MB
JPG Viewable Map File
2.94 MB
July 2001 screen-viewable file
250.62 KB
March 2004 Adobe Illustrator print production file
95.74 KB
*downloads in a Zip file.

St. Thomas Island Map - From \
St. Thomas Island Map
From \"U.S. Virgin Islands\" handbook, pages 30-31
Background art for St. Thomas Island Map. November 2001 full resolution shaded relief file
2.57 MB
JPG Viewable Map File
2.71 MB
November 2001 screen-viewable file
272.15 KB
March 2004 Adobe Illustrator print production file
138.45 KB
*downloads in a Zip file.

Visitor Center Parking Map - Visitor Center Parking Map
Visitor Center Parking Map
Visitor Center Parking Map
Map file from NPS.gov/viis/ website
258.32 KB

World Coral Distribution Map - Virgin Islands National Park
World Coral Distribution Map
Virgin Islands National Park
JPG Viewable Map File
110.92 KB
February 2007 screen-viewable file
836.10 KB
February 2007 Adobe Illustrator print production file
72.24 KB
*downloads in a Zip file.