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***Discover Our Parks, LLC takes no responsability in the accuracy of these alerts, which are taken directly from NPS.gov, and we provide them for informational purposes only. Please refer to NPS.gov for more information.

Gateway Arch National Park Campgrounds

Gateway Arch National Park does not currently have developed campgrounds within the park. There is also no backcountry camping allowed.

We have plans in the future to add nearby places to camp. Check back in the future for more!

Gateway Arch National Park Campgrounds: This park does not have campgrounds or information about the campgrounds. | Missouri | The Gateway Arch reflects St. Louis’ role in the Westward Expansion of the United States during the nineteenth century. The park is a memorial to Thomas Jefferson’s role in opening the West, to the pioneers who helped shape its history, and to Dred Scott who sued for his freedom in the Old Courthouse. | https://www.nps.gov/jeff/index.htm